Imperfect Cell: At first, NOTHING that happened to him in this form could make me feel sorry for him. Infact, when I first saw him, I was seriously freaked. I was even scared for Piccolo and the Androids. The way he got down on all fours like some sort of lizard creature....and that voice..*shudders* no...this is definately one form that I can live without. Even though his moments weren't exactly what most would call pathetic, he did have those few moments where you just had to feel sorry for him. But before we get into that, lets review some of his more 'award-winning' moments. Before he absorbed #17, he was always saying things like, "17 I had not meant to humiliate you so.... your resistance is the cause of your own pain!" And he said it in such a cool way. And what he said to Piccolo that time, "Aw...what's the matter? You scared? Don't be afraid, it's hard I feel my power and it's hard to bear!" He pulled off being scary perfectly. But, he did have his 'almost' moments. For instance, when it showed flashbacks of scenes when he was looking for the androids in the alternate timeline. He looked so lonely and desperate...(from far away atleast) And in his pre-form, when he first emerged from his birth chamber.....even though he did look rather sinister even then...
Onto the Pathetic Moments!
- When #16 pulled off his tail. Sure, he grew it back the next moment, but to hear such a powerful being screaming in pain like that...there's just something not quite right about this particular moment.
(Yes, yes...I told you there was nothing in this form that really made you feel sorry for him..if anybody has something they feel should be added, don't hesitate to email me!)