The Post Holiday Blues
The 'Ask Cell' cast.
Cell: Host/Advisor
Captain Ginyu: Annoying Camera Man
AnthyR: Site owner, Producer
This episode....
Cell is still pissed about the whole Wufei thing from last time and the fact that he's been getting so much hate mail lately. He comes in, heading straight for his stool and sits, glaring deeply into the camera, DARING anyone to say something out of order today. Ginyu is seated nearby, chomping on leftover candy canes and looking bored. But...where is AnthyR?
Cell: Bothersome girl! Where is she? She's got all the printouts!
Captain Ginyu: (Shrugs and continues eating candy canes)
Cell: I don't get it. She complains about us being late and then SHE'S late herself. How...hypocritical.
Captain Ginyu: ...maybe she's getting more candy canes.
Cell: ...And maybe your head was screwed on too tight! Don't be absurd, you fool.
Suddenly AnthyR walks in...or more appropriately, danced... (?!)
AnthyR: La la la la la laaaaaaa!!! Hello my two wonderfully, glorious smurffy friends! (runs over and glomps Cell)
Cell: (looking annoyed) Stop that! Don't touch me.
Captain Ginyu: (eyes shining) I'm your friend?!
AnthyR: I hope your holiday was as merry as mine!!!!
Cell: Hmph. (crosses arms)
Captain Ginyu: I got candy canes!
AnthyR: And what did you get Seru-chan?
Cell: It's none of your business what I got! Now give me those printouts!
Captain Ginyu: (snickering) I bet he didn't get anything, the scrooge.
AnthyR: (ignores them both) I'm so HAPPY! (does a little dance)
Captain Ginyu: Happy? (rushes over to her) Anthy! Allow me to perform the dance of joy!
AnthyR: Sure thing, Gins!
Cell: (looks disgustedly horrified) NO! There will be no dancing, no joy, no laughing...NO HAPPINESS WHAT-SO-EVER ON MY SHOW! NOW HAND ME THE LETTERS!!
AnthyR and Ginyu get quiet, finally handing the letters to a grumpy Cell
AnthyR: Fine Mr. Grinch! Just ruin the holiday season for everyone with your grumpy lack of cheer! (pouts)
Cell: I will! Human emotions......bah!
i have a few things to say #1my name is general zod and you probably dont know this but i happened to be the one who beat superman about 20 years ago and#2 i am your supreme ruler and you will kneel before zod or you will die before my hands
Captain Ginyu: Who the heck is ZOD?
AnthyR: Superman was defeated?!
Cell: Foolish ZOD! I kneel before no one! Know this: I am Cell! The most powerful being in this pathetic universe! How DARE you suggest MY kneeling before a failure such as you?!
AnthyR: And just when was Superman defeated?!
Captain Ginyu: And WHO the HECK is ZOD?!
Cell: I am ruled by NO ONE! Especially not by an inferior being such as yourself...ZOD. Hmph! Such an inferior name for an even lowlier being. (laughing) I witnessed the mockery known as Superman II, which was unfortunately televised, and I saw your pathetic defeat! You don't even have powers anymore!
Captain Ginyu: You mean..this, 'ZOD' was an actual person?! Wait a watch SUPERMAN?!!!!!
AnthyR: What idiot named him that? Wait......nevermind... how about reading another letter?
Dear Cell,
You are, in my opinion, the greatest foe ever in any Dragonball title, better than all past, and any who may come in the future. My questions for you are as follows: #1:The last energy blast you used against Gohan(which you would have killed Gohan with, if Vegeta had not distracted you), was it an original attack from you, or the Kamehameha? Some described the energy battle you had with the little half saiyan/half human twit as a "Kamehameha match". I do disagree though, seeing as you did not utter the words "Kamehameha" as you shot your blast, rather "!". I personally think you invented a new attack, but I wanted to ask you directly, seeing as you're the ultimate authority on your own actions.
#2: I know you didn't neeed to integrate people like Vegeta, Piccolo or Frieza into your being, but why didn't you have the inclination to absorb them for their power? True, you had their cells, and thus knowledge of their attacks, techniques, memory and everything. But still, power IS power, and that is one of the reasons you absorbed humans for a short time, to have the power to get the androids. You tried absorbed Piccolo when you first met him, then later declined that action when you shot a hole in him. And it looked like you attempted to absorb Vegeta when you fought him in your second form. You wouldn't have gained anything in terms of new knowledge, but your power level would have went up. Maybe not as dramatic a gain as gaining your perfect form, but still, Vegeta had a power level of 90,000,000 at the time. That would have been a great help, since your power would have been that much higher when you came back from near death, being at 410,000,000 rather than 320,000,000. Also, I think absorbing Frieza and the Ginyu force would have helped too. Frieza's maximum power level was 12,000,000. Not a whole lot compared to you, but still, a reasonably helpful gain in strength. Did you not think of this when you tried absorbing Piccolo and Vegeta? Which ties into my third question.
#3: In your perfect form, even though your tail was all but gone, with only the needle-like end remaining, did you still have the ability to absorb bio-extract?
#4: Which of the other fighters' attacks did you find most effective when you used them(aside from that blast which I'm sure was your own). By the way, I think the advice you gave that woman who wanted to kill her roommate was quite right, though I doubt she could have destroyed the cops so easily. She probably didn't have a power level above a 5. but do agree with you, destroying annoyances and obstacles is a MUCH more logical solution than any other approach. Thank you for your time, Mighty Cell
~Hal Jordan
Cell: Ah yes. Finally! A letter WORTHY of my time!
AnthyR: ..he says that EVERY episode.....
Captain Ginyu: (sighs) Another letter for his 'collection'...
AnthyR: Well I'm certainly impressed. I lost track of everyones powerlevels sometime during the Frieza saga.
Cell: Silence fools! (turns to the camera) Well Hal, you're right. I was indeed the best, the best CHARACTER.
AnthyR: Here, here!! That he was!!!!!!
Captain Ginyu: Was not!!
Cell: (Cell sends them a glare and they both shut up) As for your question, yes. It was indeed the Kamehameha wave that I performed. Even though I failed to call out the name, if you'll look at the way my hands were held and the way in which my feet were positioned, it is the classic Kamehameha form.
Captain Ginyu: How come you didn't call it out?
Cell: You fool! I am the perfect being! I have no need to call anything out!
Captain Ginyu: ...are you sure?
AnthyR: Hey! You besta shut up, Ginyu! This ain't no Sailor Moon! He doesn't have to call out attack names!! And I won't have you talking like that about my man!!!
Cell: Quiet! And Ginyu! Get the candy away from the female! It's affecting her brain. (turns back to the camera) And yes, Hal, you make a very good point about absorbing Piccolo and Vegeta. I did indeed attempt to absorb them...and Krillin as well..if he hadn't thrown that blasted Solar Flare I-
AnthyR: Seru! It's not like you can get MAD...I mean, think how many times you YOURSELF used the Solar Flare attack.
Cell: ...who's side are you on?
Captain Ginyu: (raises hand) Mine!
Cell: (shakes head) Anyway...I would have eventually absorbed Krillin had not Piccolo and Tien interrupted me. And I was not yet...powerful enough to contend with the three of them together.... But before this, I also tried to absorb #16....
Captain Ginyu: He ripped off your tail for that.
Cell: ...
Captain Ginyu: And why didn't you absorb Tien after he used the Tri-beam attack and stopped you from absorbing #18?
AnthyR: Stupid! He wasn't the brightest person in the world back then, remember? He was IMPERFECT cell....the only thing he was thinking about was how much he hated Tien at the moment..
Cell: ..(deciding to ignore them both) As for your 3rd question, no, I can no longer absorb extract. Not that I need it, for I as Perfect Cell have all the extract into my being that I need! (smirking) And the attack of my preference was the Kamehameha...
AnthyR: Lord knows you certainly used it enough.
Cell: ..although Tenshinhan's attacks came in handy as well...especially the Solar Flare and Multi-form technique..
Captain Ginyu: Especially when you needed to run away.
Cell: ..I'll pretend I didn't hear that! (turns back to the camera) And yes...eliminating annoyances are VERY logical......(glares at Ginyu)
AnthyR: Anyway, lets move on. We've got alot of catching up to do! There are tons of letters to this very spiffy one!
u r the coolest super vilan.
Cell: Yes...I AM, aren't I?
Captain Ginyu: ZOD certainly didn't think so...
Cell: (glaring) Who are YOU to talk?!
AnthyR: (frowning) You know Cell, you've been awful moody lately...
Captain Ginyu: It's called PMS...
Cell: (starts to power up) Ignorant-
AnthyR: I think you need a hug!!
Cell: ...I'm reading another letter..and then I shall destroy you all...
Captain Ginyu: What?!
AnthyR: You can't do that! You work for me!
hi cell, im happy i blew you up. and im happy trunks blew up you in the futere too!
if you so damn perfect then howcome i beat you up when i was 11 yrs old!!!
Captain Ginyu: Destroy us all, huh? Not before Gohan destroys you first, eh?
Cell: (looking majorly pissed) You wretched child! Everytime I turn around you're there...haunting me!!!!! What must I do to make you leave me alone?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain Ginyu: How about answering his question?
Cell: FOOLS! ALL OF YOU! I REFUSE to be subjected to this sort of....of.........thing!
Captain Ginyu: That's the best you could come up with?
AnthyR: Leave him alone, Ginyu! (turns to the camera) And Gohan! I'm shocked! It's not like you to harass poor defenseless villains! What would your mother say?! We shouldn't be fighting at all!!!! What would Goku say?!
Goku: I'd say hi!
Everyone (minus Cell) screams in surprise at the sudden appearance of the perky warrier.
Cell: (mumbling to himself) Just what I need....another hyperactive annoyance... Why are you here Goku?? Didn't I kill you?! Why can't you just stay dead?!
AnthyR: Hey!
Goku: (laughing) Silly willy! I used the Instant Transmission! I came by for the party!
Cell: Party?
Captain Ginyu: The after Christmas/New Year celebration after the aren't invited though.
AnthyR: Yaah!!! Party time!!!
Goku: Yaaah!!! Lotsa food!!!
Captain Ginyu: Yaaaah!!! No Cell!
Cell: (glaring) No one told me about this! And what did I say before?! No happiness or celebrateing on my set! And no Gokus either!!!
Captain Ginyu: Now you didn't say THAT..
Cell: Well I'm saying it now. NO SON GOKUS' ALLOWED.
Goku: Now Cell...didn't you learn anything from your defeat? It's not nice to be mean.
Goku: (Laughing) suuuuuuuuure Cell. I get it! (does an overexaggerated wink)
Cell: ...
Goku: Aw...c'mon, Cell! I mean, I defeated Vegeta and now look at us! We're bestest best friends! I mean, every now and then he tries to get stronger, but I always beat him again in the end. hehe. He just never learns. It's funny. I beat Vegeta and my son beat you! But anyway, can't you just let go of the past?
Cell: NO!
Goku: It's sad Cell...even after all this time you refuse to learn.
Cell: Be quiet!! I don't need one of your rambling goody-to-shoe lectures.
AnthyR: Hey! You can't be mean to Go-san! Even if he does tend to ramble stupidly. He's one of my favoritest characters besides you, y'know! Now lets get back to them letters, shall we?
Goku: (Scratches head and looks blank)I ramble?
Captain Ginyu: Yea. You're stupid too. HAHAHA!
Cell: ...look who's talking..
dude. you hella suck
~Eric Cartman
Cell: ...
Goku: Well that wasn't very nice at all!
AnthyR: That's right! And Cell does NOT suck!!!! Everyone knows that he is DA MAN around here!
Captain Ginyu: I thought it was funny...I like South Park.
Goku: Mean words hurt people!
Cell: ..I absolutely refuse to reply to such ignorance. Next letter!
daddy why did you let us die
~the cell jrs.
Cell: ..
AnthyR: (begins to bawl) That's...... s-so.... saaaaaaaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!
Goku: (looking angry) What kind of father ARE you?!
Captain Ginyu: You homocidal child killer!!!!
Cell: Quiet you fools! I only had them to provoke Gohan into fighting anyway! I can always make more if I so choose.
Goku: You're sad Cell. People like you shouldn't be allowed with children.
Cell: (looking outraged) You should talk. How DARE you say that to me?! You who sent your then only child to fight a battle in which YOU should have been able to fight yourself!
Goku: (looks sheepish)Oh yea. Hehe.
Captain Ginyu: Sounds like both of them are unfit parents to me.
AnthyR: You two are pathetic baby killers! I can't believe I associate with either of you!
Goku: Hey! Atleast I saved my son! He just let his kids be killed like he didn't even care or something...
Cell: (shrugs) Yea, maybe so. But it's none of your business what I do with my children! And this subject is off limits from now on!!! Now I'm reading another letter. (mumbles under his breath angrily)
Hi Cell!
I don't mean to insult you or anything because I highly look up to you! YOU'RE THE BEST VILLIAN IN THE UNIVERSE!!! But I have one question that may seem a bit insulting. I'm just curious. What did it feel like loosing to someone who was practically three feet shorter that you? I mean, no offense and all, but Gohan beat you up kinda badly. And, if you had the chance, would you go back onto the Earth, track down Gohan, and try to kill him? And, how do you react to the name Gohan? I know you get angry but how would you describe it? Again, I don't mean to insult you at any point of this letter.
Cell: like?!!
Goku: Now calm down Cell. I'm proud of Gohan. He did what I couldn't. He killed you. Hehe.
Captain Ginyu: Ain't that the truth. Killed him dead.
Cell: I'll tell you what it felt like! It was humiliating! A mere wasn't a boy..he was a MONSTER. Everytime I hear that name I something! (suddenly smirks) But then I realize what a insignificant creature he's become, and I feel a great sense of Look how weak he is now compared to me! He let his abilities go down the drain, the fool! I'd kill the little-
AnthyR: Don't worry about that. Cell can't kill anyone right now.
Goku: Huh? Why not? When do we eat?
Captain Ginyu: After the show, you pig!
AnthyR: It was part of the deal..he can't kill Gohan while here on earth.
Goku: Oh. You mean when you used the Dragonballs to bring him back.
(curious? Find out all about Cell's great return to earth and how he got mixed up with Ginyu and AnthyR in the new 'Interviews' section. Plus get the full scoop on all your favorite DBZ characters!)
hey cell, i just wanna ask u if u truly are the perfect being, i mean, how could u be the perfect being when Gohan kicked the bloody crap out of you! plus, ur a bug, and u have a crush on a machine!!! u really suck....what a loser, Gohan rulz!!!!!! o and since u got freiza in u, that makes u part of a girl anyway, which makes u a lesbian!!!
Cell: WHAT?!
Captain Ginyu: He said "you suck, you have a crush on a machine, and you're a le-"
Cell: I read what it said!!!!
Captain Ginyu: Then why'd you ask?
AnthyR: (scowling) Ginyu, just do your job and film Cell, ok? No more, no less.
Goku: Boy, Cell. You get an awful lot of hate mail.
Cell: If you foolish humans think I 'suck' so much..then why do you keep coming here?!
Captain Ginyu: To insult you, ofcourse.
AnthyR: (sighs) I guess you're just the guy everyone loves to hate.....ofcourse, I hate Frieza.
Goku: It's not nice to hate!
Captain Ginyu: You hate needles.
Goku: Hey! We're not talking about me!
AnthyR: Stop that! (turns to the camera) You peeps are making my poor Seru-chan feel bad! You should be ashamed of yourselves!!
Cell: I don't need your pathetic sympathy!
Captain Ginyu: It's funny to see him feeling bad.
Goku: hehe. I like gummy bears.
Cell: ..
AnthyR: Now what does that have to do with anything?
Goku: (shrugs) I dunno. Nothing I guess. I just wanted to say something cuz everyone else was.
Captain Ginyu: That just proves what an idiot he is.
Cell: You're one to talk, you fool.
ok now i'm mad. i am not a human!!!!! NOT HUMAN!!!!!! ok.. anyways this
for ginyu..that's right GINYU!!!!! Hello Ginyu how are you today? I
hope you
are doing fine =). why don't you get paid ya know i think you should
oh and cell.... when you blew up the ring in the cell games... there
were no
more rules so technically you did get yer butt beat by gohan. and
how did you regenerate when goku blasted half your body off. You can
regenerate if your head isn't damage. AND U HAD NO HEAD!!! so that
me. ANYWAYS, ginyu... i am so glad you think I am funny... do you think
should insult him more often?? oh and the whole not human thing.... i
am half
saiyan and half juraian so shut up. oh and to answer who the best bad
is... i must say it was either MAJIN BUU or 17. =) and i did compliment
once cell. just once. and i will compliment you again. You had some
comebacks to my insults.... but not good enough. and kurt angle is ok.
THE ROCK!!!! and yes i know you killed trunks twice. BUT... didn't mean
had the right to kill the object of my affection. Ginyu... can you
teach me
some insults for this green pathetic excuse of a warrior? though i have
own but it has the use of obsene language and i'm not that low ^.^. oh
AnthyR when you have a guest can it be trunks please??????? PLEASE
PLEASE!!!! Thank you for your time. And Ginyu YOU ARE THE BEST NEXT TO
TRUNKS!!! But way way way way more better then Cellina.. i mean
Cell!!!! AU
Captain Ginyu: It's my pal Crystal! Hiya Crystal! Send in them insults!
Goku: (looks on blankly) You have friends?
AnthyR: Ginyu had better not sue! He's getting the chance of a lifetime by being Cell's camera man!!!
Cell: And no way is that lavender-headed freak coming on my show. (smirks) And hello again, my imperfect, unworthy nemisis. (laughs) I do so enjoy our little verbal wars. It does, afterall, prove how irresistable I am to you.
Captain Ginyu: What?!
AnthyR: What?!
Goku: huh?
Cell: (laughs again) Yes, it's true. She obviously, as do millions of other human females, finds me irrestible. Why else would she take the time to write to me so much?
AnthyR: (shakes head) I think you've finally flipped...
Captain Ginyu: She likes ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goku: Um...does anybody like me?
AnthyR: (sighs) No Goku. No one likes you. You aren't even a member of the cast. And Cell, Ginyu, Crystal obviously likes Trunks so just get over it!
Dear Cell,
Wufei sux and so do you!What possessed you to have that idiot-woman hating baka be a guest?!!Atleast he didnt do one of his little justice rant rutines....And Ginyu, sorry, but you ain't foolin' no one. Your as gay as Cell.
~Seriously upset
Captain Ginyu: I AM NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cell: And I don't suck! How DARE you! You're making ME seriously upset you pathetic little-
AnthyR: ..perhaps having Wufei be a guest wasn't very smart...
Why were you so mean to Ginyu? I mean c'mon... he means well. And
secondly... IM NOT A LAVENDER HAIRED IDIOT!!! and yes you may have
killed me
twice but none the less I killed you when I got back to the future.
warrior... give me a break. And that crazed girl obbsessed with me does
a very excellent assumption about frieza being a gay old woman. but
never know becuz I killed him just like Gohan killed you. and Pikkon
you. And you're talking about rules... if there were rules killing me
be breaking the rules if it was one on one with you and gohan so don't
think of talking about rules when you don't abide by them. Yes i did
try to
beat you before which was foolish of me to. but i saw the fear in your
when gohan became stronger and beat the living crap out of you. I know
fear is like. I lived it all my life. So don't deny you weren't
becuz I know you were. oh and Ginyu keep up the good work on dissing
Don't lose faith and hope. Oh and never have wufei be a guest again...
he is
sooooo gay.
:*:Mirai Trunks:*:
AnthyR: I neva knew so many people hated my wu-baby! I mean, I wanted Heero, but he wouldn't have done ANYTHING...except maybe point his gun at us!!! Atleast Wufei had reactions!
Cell: First of all, I'd like to point out something crucial: HOW could you see the fear in my eyes when I'd already KILLED you before I began my final fight with Gohan?!
Captain Ginyu: Maybe he was watching in spirit.
Goku: I'm afraid of ghosts ..but I like food alot!
Captain Ginyu: I like Candy Canes!
AnthyR: I like Cell!
Cell: I'd like for you all not to be such IGNORAMOUSES but it seems that this is quite an impossible feat. And can you be afraid of ghosts when you ARE one?
Goku: (looks up at the halo above his head) Oh yea! (giggles) Silly me! Guess I forgot!
AnthyR: Cell! I'm tired of you insulting us! Ginyu might be used to it, but Go-san and I are innocent undeserving bystanders! If you don't stop, I'll turn this whole shrine into...into....
Captain Ginyu: 'bout a Ginyu page?
AnthyR: Yea! A Ginyu page!
Cell: Hmph. Empty threats.
Cell: ...
Goku: Whoa! It's supa-rippin'!!
Captain Ginyu: My banner looked better! Yours is just stupid!
Goku: Is not!
Captain Ginyu: Is too!
Goku: Is not!
Captain Ginyu: Loser!
Goku: (whining) Ceeeeeeellllllll! Your camera man is calling me a loser!!!
Cell: He's quite right. You ARE a loser. Both of you. Now silence while I read another email!
I admit that Vegeta did help me defeat you,but it was still my kamehameha that killed you.Vegeta's final flash distracted you.if you were such a perfect warrior than you shouldnt have been destracted by such the way,go C.G. keep insaulting him.
Ps.C.G rules!!!!
Goku: Hi Gohan!
AnthyR: Boy. Ginyu seems to be getting alot of attention lately.
Cell: Hmph. It had better end soon, that's all I know. And I was not distracted! You foolish, irrerelevant little-
Goku: Hey! That's my son!
Cell: ...your point?
Trunks, the ultimate Saiyan
(Click here to see the pictures!)
AnthyR: Yah! A poloroid! And man! That Trunks is a hottie!!
Goku: Whoa! Cell! It looks like Trunks is about ready to send you back to the H.F.I.L! He's really mad!
Captain Ginyu: Well who HASN'T bugman made angry?
Cell: Oh he really showed me. Sending a picture of himself BLASTING an attack. That really has me afraid....
Goku: (Looks around slowly and raises hand)
Cell: (rolling his eyes) Yes, Goku..I WAS being sarcastic.
Goku: (puts his hand down looking sheepish)
Dear cell,
why are you so gay?
Cell: .....
Captain Ginyu: HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Goku: Hi Vegeta! I see you managed to take time out of your busy scedule of training to write to Cell! But I have to disagree. Cell's not exactly gay.
Cell: (smirking) That's the first intellegent thing you've said all day.
Captain Ginyu: It just further proves my theory that he's an IDIOT.
Goku: (giggles) No silly. Because I'm gay all the time, and Cell acts nothing like me.
Everyone is suddenly silent, looking at the pure hearted warrier in a new light.
Captain Ginyu: EWWW!! I switched bodies with that freak!!!!!
Cell: (looks sick) We were holding hands during our battle!!!!!!!
AnthyR: (sobbing) GOOOKUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!! Now we can NEVER be together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Captain Ginyu: WHAT?!
Cell: I thought you liked me..
AnthyR: I DO!!! But he was my favorite good guy!!!!! Wait a sec...are you jealous?
Goku: (looking confused) What's the matter? Chichi thinks it's great that I'm happy all the time.
Everyone pauses again, giving a huge sigh of relief
AnthyR: you meant gay as in...happy gay?
Goku: (laughing) Ofcourse you sillies! What else could it mean?
Captain Ginyu: You loser! Gay means-
Cell: Be quiet!! Don't give him any ideas...especially with that Vegeta always around...
Captain Ginyu: ...
AnthyR: Well, that's our show for today. I hope you enjoyed it! And join us next time on 'Ask Cell', the show where you, the reader, gets to send in questions to everyones favorite bad guy, Cell!
Goku: Can I come back?
Cell: No.
Goku: Oh. Well, can we eat now? I'm starved!
AnthyR: Yea! That's right! It's party time!
Cell: What is it with you people? You can't possibly tell me that you're STILL in that sickeningly cheerful mood after all my insults.
Goku: Ofcourse Cell! I mean, I've had to put up with Vegeta for YEARS, so I'm used to it.
Captain Ginyu: I hate them both.
Cell: (looking perplexed) They're still happy... It came with my yelling...(stops and looks around) It came with my rants (looks around some more) It came with my threats, my my god...what am I saying?
Captain Ginyu: Sounds like the Grinch to me.
Goku: Here Cell! I brought you a present!
AnthyR: Me too!
Captain Ginyu: Hey! Where's mine!!!
..And what happened next? Well on 'Ask Cell' they say, Cell's imperfect heart grew 3 sizes that day...
Cell: got me a gift?
Goku: Sure! Chocolates! But..uh..I kinda ate 'em cuz I got so hungry..hehe...sorry!
AnthyR: I got you something! (hands the box to Cell)
Captain Ginyu: I bet he'll blow it up!
AnthyR: I'll blow YOU up if you don't shut up!
Cell carefully unwraps the box to reveal a pair of bright orange gloves and a scarf with the words, 'Perfect' embroidered on it.
AnthyR: Now you can cover your neck and hands in the cold!
Cell: (Looks speechless for a moment) But...I thought....everyone hated me.....
Captain Ginyu: They DO!
Goku: I like you alot!
AnthyR: Oh, Cell.. Don't you get it? We all love you. You're the villain and everyone loves to hate you.
Cell: Do they? (suddenly begins to smirk) ....Yes...They DO love me don't they? How can they not? I am Perfect afterall...(laughs)
AnthyR: Welp, I guess we got our old confident Cell-ster back.
Captain Ginyu: Lucky us....