- Imperfect Cell, seeing that he couldn't possibly hope to defeat Gohan...blew himself up into a self-destructive ball, threatening to explode. If he had to die, he'd take the whole world with him! This is the classic villain, 'If I can't have it, no one can', theme, or the 'If I go down, I'm taking you with me' type. I think that Cell played this off quite nicely.
- When Cell came back. After Goku used the instant transmission to teleport Cell to King Kai's planet, he came back. The very next moment!! (much like the cat came back) It was so dramatic: The sky got dark... strong winds began to blow... VERY jazzy enterance for Perfect Cell. You could even say, it was a PERFECT entrance. (^.~) But then Cell did something most consider the stupidest thing he ever did: In that one split second, when he had the element of surprise on his side, when he had the chance to destroy ANY DBZ member...he chose Trunks. Now, I don't think this was stupid. If you understand his actions, you'll see why he chose Trunks. See, Cell came back for a challenge. He was back at 100% and even stronger than ever, since he had the saiyan's ability of become stronger after being defeated, PLUS he had the new ability of Goku's, the Instant Transmission. He wanted to test his new full powers. Thats why he didn't shoot at Gohan. And if you listen to what Cell said after he shot Trunks, ' aim is as good as ever..' It seems as if he were only testing his aim, anyway. I don't think he really cared about hitting a specific person..(minus Gohan ofcourse) Although, it would have made more sense for him to hit someone like Krillin or Yamucha.
- Gloating. Ah yes. He gloated well. Took up a whole episode explaining how he survived and how perfect his design was, even. (This is one thing EVERY villain know's how to do.) Perhaps he gloated a little TOO much. I don't think baddies realize that sometimes gloating can be in the GOOD guy's favor. Villain gloats, good guy gets mad, finds some aldrenilan based power that wasn't there a second ago, and kicks the crape out of the unsupecting villain. It's a never ending cycle. ::sighs::