Imperfect Cell: Form 2
2nd Form- This is Cell in his second form. When he absorbed #17, you can SEE as well as feel the distinct change in him. He no longer hid and slithered around sneakily. He didn't care who saw him. He was one step away from becoming perfect, so what did he have to loose? He brazingly flew out in plain view, DEMANDED that blondie #18 come out, or he would BLAST her out. He no longer cared about absorbing humans. He'd had a taste of the real thing and he wanted MORE. He knew he was strong. Who could stop him? In this attitude, we can see #17. 17 thought he was perfect. Gero's gift to the world so to speak. Even though he wasn't obsessed with cloths like his sister, he was just as vain in this THINKING that he was perfect. And I have to agree with him...up till Cell was complete, maybe he WAS perfect...but, then again, I'd say he was pretty IMperfect, in thinking that he was perfect in the first place. So that was his most noticable flaw..which he unfortunatly passed on to Cell, and which utlimatly turned out to be his downfall.
In this version of Cell, we can definately see adolesence creeping in. The adolesent years are by far the most frustrating, (according to some) and in this form, Cell got his share of frustrations! He had TANTRUMS..yes, TANTRUMS. He griped. He complained. He certainly wasn't the patient being we saw in Imperfect Cell (1st form) and Perfect Cell. That's one quaility in which he definately lacked.
He complained that 'it wasn't fair'..he was a sore loser. He rushed into things. He bragged. These are all some of the things, (to name a few) that Imperfect Cell (2nd form) was guilty of. If you'll notice, this is also what alot of teens/adolecents are guilty of as well. We sometimes rush headfirst into situations, not thinking of the concequences. We, (well most of us) complain about the unfairness of things that seem to befall us. Lord knows I've done my fair share of this. Another thing Imperfect Cell did that is similar to us teens? He manipulated Vegeta. Yes, that's right. A few of us lucky teens have figured out that special way in which to get what we want from our parents. Imperfect Cell suckered Vegeta into letting him absorb #18. All in all, Imperfect Cell: Form # 2, as alot of us teenagers, was just a big baby. Yes, it's true that certain adolecents revert back to babies during their teen years. And Cell is no exception.
And finally, his voice and physical form. Cell's voice in this form sounded...just not quite right. Like his lumbering body, his voice sounded though it hadn't quite found itself yet. And not only did Cell have the contenance of an adolecence in this form...but the awkwardness of one as well. His form was bulky; and as a result, he was slower on his feet and in the air. His movements were sometimes jerky, uncoordinated, as if he wasn't used to his body yet. His face (said by many to look like a fish) Looked strange. All in all, he hadn't 'grown into himself' yet. He was in that 'awkward' stage of developement in his life, which later, after he absorbed #18, disappeared into ulimate perfection. ^^